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Mad men


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I personally don't understand all the praise for this show. I went out and bought season 1 based on all the recommendations. I hated it. Gave it away to a friend the next day. Didn't even want it in my house.


I'm not saying that it's a bad show. Lots of smart people really love it. I seem to be in the minority. I won't get into the reasons I hated it because, after all, it's just a matter of personal preference.


My suggestion is to watch an episode first (you can probably catch a rerun on tv or find a free stream online) to check it out before you buy.

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Personally, I think it's a fabulous show and I'd highly recommend you get seasons one and two. It may appeal more to an older crowd, I'm not sure, but it's great writing, acting, directing, etc. It does a terrific job of making late 50s and early 60s issues reflect a lot of current ones. The lead characters are terrific. The guy responsible for it is a highly skilled professional. To me, it's great, one of the few shows I have to watch each episode.

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I got into late, but it's one of my favorite shows out there. If you want to try it out, I'd rent the first season first. You will miss out on a lot if you just jump in on Season 3.


The only shows that I think are worth watching right now are: Mad Men, the Tudors, the Office, 30 Rock, Chuck and Lost. It is a fast dwindling list.

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Perhaps I'm actually 50 going on 23, but I love the show. Anything from early 60's works for me. Tons of smoking, drinking, great set design/costuming, and cheating on your wife. How much more American can you get? Its basically all about cheating on your spouse. That and the everyday stress of a 1960's advertising agency.


Really good acting, production and writing. One of the few watchable scripted shows in production on television worth watching. I dig it.

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I personally don't understand all the praise for this show. I went out and bought season 1 based on all the recommendations. I hated it. Gave it away to a friend the next day. Didn't even want it in my house.


I'm not saying that it's a bad show. Lots of smart people really love it. I seem to be in the minority. I won't get into the reasons I hated it because, after all, it's just a matter of personal preference.


My suggestion is to watch an episode first (you can probably catch a rerun on tv or find a free stream online) to check it out before you buy.


Was it the premise, the look of the interiors, was it the closet freak, my boy, Salvatore, or the ass neck Pete Campbell.

Personally, I can't stand looking at Peggy (elizabeth moss) She is so ugly she scares me at times. And Yes, I saw the Playtex episode. I want to give props out to Red for her 'Marilyn tries to look like Joan' in the Playtex episode.


The thing that I really love about the show, is the fact that some scenes end with the character just looking at something and that puts me in such anticipation of somebody getting whacked. I love it. :thumbsup::o, Way Up!!

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