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Tim Graham is the MAN!


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He never "defended their cheating".


I see you haven't quite discovered the testicluar fortitude to call Tim a "pats fan" despite his "defending their cheating".


Lather, rinse, repeat.

Why would I not have the (what, don't have the "testicluar fortitude" to say it) balls to call Tim a "pats fan?" Will he stop being my best friend? Beat me up?


For that matter, did he ever claim anywhere that he is a Bills fan? Or not a pats fan? Did he "have a quick first step" when defending everything bad that was said about the Patriots on this message board while slamming everything related to the Bills?


I would guess Tim wouldn't mind being called a Pat fan. Funny that you take such exception. Methinks the lady...

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Don't hate.


I've been listening to people who were supposedly covering the AFC east for years. What I heard today was totally different. This guy came with facts, perspective, analysis, etc. I learned more about what the Bills are up agaisnt this season in ten minutes than I ever did listening to any of the other beat writers.

The 2nd part wasn't hating on him. It was commentary on the state of ESPN, "The Worldwide Leader In Sports." Good to see they might have finally hired some writers who actually do their jobs. Although I know Tim is moving back to Buffalo, so he has a reason to be interested in the team more than the average ESPN writer.

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Why would I not have the (what, don't have the "testicluar fortitude" to say it) balls to call Tim a "pats fan?" Will he stop being my best friend? Beat me up?


For that matter, did he ever claim anywhere that he is a Bills fan? Or not a pats fan? Did he "have a quick first step" when defending everything bad that was said about the Patriots on this message board while slamming everything related to the Bills?


I would guess Tim wouldn't mind being called a Pat fan. Funny that you take such exception. Methinks the lady...

For the record, he's not a "fan" of any AFC East team. In fact, he grew up watching his hometown Browns during the Brian Sipe era.


And also FWIW, people who say "oh, that guy must be a (team name) fan" whenever they disagree with something he's written are right at the top of every sportswriter's "Yup, these are our readers" list. (That phrase is usually accompanied by an eye-roll and/or a sarcastic laugh ...)

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For the record, he's not a "fan" of any AFC East team. In fact, he grew up watching his hometown Browns during the Brian Sipe era.


And also FWIW, people who say "oh, that guy must be a (team name) fan" whenever they disagree with something he's written are right at the top of every sportswriter's "Yup, these are our readers" list. (That phrase is usually accompanied by an eye-roll and/or a sarcastic laugh ...)



Thanks Lori. I like Tims' stuff, because he does a good job of covering the Bills accurately, so, I assume he is doing the rest with the other AFC East teams. In fact, one of the few things I read regularly on ESPN.com are the reports from the divisional beat reporters. I favor TG, because he covers my favorite team, but I assume the other guys are doing a credible job too.


I always see people cry here whenever someone says something negative about the Bills, or doesn't see the teams fortunes as positvely as they do. I listen to tons of sports talk radio, and I can honestly say, almost any time an analyst says something negative about the Bills, or Buffalo, they almost always follow it up with comments about how great the fans are, yadda yadda yadda... it seems like Bills fans, in particular, are getting a national sports media reputation, for being very thin skinned.


For every criticism leveled at the Bills (some of them very justified IMO) there have been plenty of "team on the rise" type stories over the years. It isn't the sports media's fault that the team hasn't lived up to any of the positive hype. It seems there is a fair number of Bills fans who seem to have this perception that media coverage of the team has some affect on the results of their play. It just seems to me, as Bills fans, we should hold the team accountable when they under-perform, rather than bashing people who notice....just my two cents....

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The 2nd part wasn't hating on him. It was commentary on the state of ESPN, "The Worldwide Leader In Sports." Good to see they might have finally hired some writers who actually do their jobs. Although I know Tim is moving back to Buffalo, so he has a reason to be interested in the team more than the average ESPN writer.


My bad....I was too tired to detect the target of your sarcasm....well done :lol:

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Gee, did he proclaim "the Patriots are America's Team!" during the segment, and laughably defending their cheating? You know, in a calm and rational manner?


Amazing, ESPN's AFC East writer actually knowing about the teams he's covering. What a concept!




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