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Episode III Revenge of the Sith Trailer


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As I said a couple months ago, I just hope and pray that Lucas doesn't puss out here. This one has to be DARK. I mean, come on, Vader has to slaughter all the Jedi save for Yoda and Ben. Not to mention Padme has to die and shuttle the twins off to their respective hiding places.


Worst case scenario is that they END the movie with Anakin falling into the volcano (thus needing the suit). In which case, the words in the trailor from the emperor (Rise Lord Vader, RISE!) would be the end of the movie.


Best case scenario is that the fight on the volcano with Ben is the end of the FIRST ACT, which would mean plenty of time to watch Vader kick ass and hear James Earl Jones do that voice again:)



Just my opinion though.

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As I said a couple months ago, I just hope and pray that Lucas doesn't puss out here. This one has to be DARK. I mean, come on, Vader has to slaughter all the Jedi save for Yoda and Ben. Not to mention Padme has to die and shuttle the twins off to their respective hiding places.


Worst case scenario is that they END the movie with Anakin falling into the volcano (thus needing the suit). In which case, the words in the trailor from the emperor (Rise Lord Vader, RISE!) would be the end of the movie.


Best case scenario is that the fight on the volcano with Ben is the end of the FIRST ACT, which would mean plenty of time to watch Vader kick ass and hear James Earl Jones do that voice again:)

Just my opinion though.




There was a Spoiler Site posted here on TSW from some guy who had seen the rough cut of the entire movie...From what this guy said, assuming it was legit, I think all your wishes will be answered...


One small correction though, I believe the main Jedi purging and serious ass kicking is done as the turned Anakin...He then fights Obie Wan, falls in the Lava, gets the suit, end of Movie... B)

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As I said a couple months ago, I just hope and pray that Lucas doesn't puss out here. This one has to be DARK. I mean, come on, Vader has to slaughter all the Jedi save for Yoda and Ben. Not to mention Padme has to die and shuttle the twins off to their respective hiding places.


Worst case scenario is that they END the movie with Anakin falling into the volcano (thus needing the suit). In which case, the words in the trailor from the emperor (Rise Lord Vader, RISE!) would be the end of the movie.


Best case scenario is that the fight on the volcano with Ben is the end of the FIRST ACT, which would mean plenty of time to watch Vader kick ass and hear James Earl Jones do that voice again:)

Just my opinion though.



Face it, the main reason the first 2 movies were bad is because there's way too much room left to cover in the last one.


In a two-hour movie, Anakin has to go bad (still need a reason for that), start killing all the Jedi, Obi-Wan has to try to bring him back, then fail, then they have to fight and Anakin takes a header into a volcano. Then Vader shows up. Oh, and they also have to cover the entire fall of the republic and the birth of Luke and Leia as well as how the were split up and handed off. Again, in two hours.


Also, Anakin never really seemed that good. He doesn't seem anything like Luke at all. Seemed more like a complete brat who was always destined to go bad.


If you pay attention to the original trilogy, especially Obi-Wan's lines, you realize the prequels really should have written themselves. Making the prequels great movies should have been like shooting fish in a barrel. Guess not.

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