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Kerry's words ... Cheney's "mandate" ...

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Actually, "One nation, under God" has its origins in McCarthyism in the 1950's, as red-baiters felt that adding it would further protect our country from the Communist scourge.  Look it up.


The pledge was not an invention of our forefathers and it did not originally include "under God."  I am not saying I am against it, and I am not saying it is a bad thing to consider one's nation to be "under God."  That is for each and every American to determine on his/her own.  I am just saying you should get your facts straight. 


Also, Thomas Jefferson held and wrote about beliefs that would today be characterized as Unitarian.  Most people don't know that.




I'm guessing that most on this board (and in America) would be very surprised if they ever picked up a copy of Thomas Jefferson's "Notes on the State of Virginia". Somehow I'm guessing that most probably have no clue what he believed. But don't try to educate people on the history of this county, they don't want to hear it. They simply want to believe that their core beliefs were the same as the "forefathers"...as if the founders this country all agreed with one another on the proper way to do things...


I mean, just look above, someone trying to say the "forefathers" wrote the pledge? What a disgrace. Next thing I'm going to hear is that George Washington was elected democratically by the people...

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I'm guessing that most on this board (and in America) would be very surprised if they ever picked up a copy of Thomas Jefferson's "Notes on the State of Virginia".  Somehow I'm guessing that most probably have no clue what he believed.  But don't try to educate people on the history of this county, they don't want to hear it.  They simply want to believe that their core beliefs were the same as the "forefathers"...as if the founders this country all agreed with one another on the proper way to do things...


I mean, just look above, someone trying to say the "forefathers" wrote the pledge?  What a disgrace.  Next thing I'm going to hear is that George Washington was elected democratically by the people...


And yet you wonder why I'm constantly telling people to pick up a History book?

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I truly wonder what Jesus would think of the leaders who use his name.  Here was a man who lived among outcasts, helped those whom society shunned the most, and died for them.  He loved our Earth.


I truly wonder why issues that drive us apart such as gay marriage have come to dominate the idelogies of those who call themselves religious, when Jesus might put his arm around these outcasts of today's society as He did in His own times.


I truly wonder why anyone with a true, deep, personal connection to God would not want to protect at all costs the natural wonders of the Earth that He has given us.


I truly wonder why anyone with a real sense of faith in God's power would not use the power He has given us to make life better for the poor, the suffering, the marginalized.


That's what Christianity is about.  That's what my parents raised me with.  I have long since strayed from the church because organized religion is a lost institution that doesn't speak for me and obscures the whole.  But I hold these things deep in my heart.



Judas, when Mary anointed Jesus with the very expensive oils, said (to paraphrase) "we could have feed many poor with the price of this oil." And Jesus said? "The poor will be with us always, but I will be here for only a little while."


Was Jesus insensitive to the poor with this answer? You know of course that he was not. Then why such an statement? Because man invariably confuses the issues of spirit with material states of being. Jesus was here to lead us to the 'kingdom of heaven' - to feed our soul's - not our bellies. That he or we would do such things is an extension of spirit born compassion, but such issues were and are secondary to the status of a man's spirit.


The left continues to fail to see the significant differences between materialism and the kingdom of heaven. Giving money to the poor is somehow more Jesusonian then leading men to live and have better lives. An honest mistake, but a mistake all the same.

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I'm guessing that most on this board (and in America) would be very surprised if they ever picked up a copy of Thomas Jefferson's "Notes on the State of Virginia".  Somehow I'm guessing that most probably have no clue what he believed.  But don't try to educate people on the history of this county, they don't want to hear it.  They simply want to believe that their core beliefs were the same as the "forefathers"...as if the founders this country all agreed with one another on the proper way to do things...


I mean, just look above, someone trying to say the "forefathers" wrote the pledge?  What a disgrace.  Next thing I'm going to hear is that George Washington was elected democratically by the people...


Good post MDH.

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I was raised a Cathlic too.  But I was also taught, somewhere, that there is supposed to be a seperation of church and state.  You realize, that America is the only country in the west where a candidate could use religion as a part of their platform, (depsite the fact that our constitution is supposed to protect us from that)?  In the middle east, religion and rule mix, and we refer to it as fundamentalist fanatacism.  Here we call it a mandate from the people...


I remember in the 1960 election, people made the claim that since Kennedy was a catholic the pope would be running the country and that was something to be feared. So today the country is run by evangalicals and no one seems to be concerned in any way? :blush::blink::D

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I remember in the 1960 election people made the claim that since Kenedy was a catholic the pope would be running the country and that was something to be feared.  So today the country is run by evangalicals and no one seems to be concerned in any way? :blush:  :blink:  :D


Somebody explain to me....to what extreme is our esteemed president in debt to the evangalicals and the Mr. Reed's of this country....i'm sure most will say Supreme Court nominees or faith based intitatives

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