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I went ahead and got a mac


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As I've said before though - that's due to the HARDWARE, not the software. There's a reason you can't build your own MacOS box -- because Apple wants tight controls over the hardware configurations.


If you're willing to spend a little more for decent components, your PC will run just as well as your Mac. I have a dual-processor (yes, two physical CPUs) Opteron system that I built 4+ years ago - and it runs just as well as any new PC/Mac that you buy now. I haven't even reinstalled the OS, like I usually do every few years, since I've been busy with work and life.

Aren't you the same guy who can't fix his his bathroom lights?

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All right... Through the power of google, I have figured out how to transfer my outlook 2007 pst through thunderbird for pc to thunderbird for mac to entourage 2008. I have also watched some videos and read some stuff so that I can at least navigate throughout my home network and run the programs through the GUI. I do have one question though... What kind of AV do you mac guys recommend? I've read that none is ok, but I just want some opinions...


Oh God, Entourage? I *highly* suggest you switch away from that horrible, horrible piece of sh-- software immediately, unless you think you'll enjoy dealing with spending hours trying to recover your mail & settings in the future.





Also, corp, learn to love the terminal and how to use it, as well as quicksilver. :devil:

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