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So, when Teague is healthy..........


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Just wondering what some of you guys think on this topic. I personally can't decide. I think Teague gets to the 2nd level better but Tucker is a little more stout. This isn't a huge deal but should be interesting................



teague was playing very well when he got hurt. he goes back to starting IMO. it's not as if tucker has been all-world or anything.

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Well the Bills have won 2 games with Tucker starting at center.  Like with the McGahee argument, shouldn't that warrant him staying as the starter?



if you can point specifically to tucker's play, yes. can you do that? i can't.

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Seeing as he was the Bills best OLineman before his injury, I'm going to take a wild guess that he returns as the starting Center.

The only other possibility worth considering is what becomes of Tucker. Has he played well enough that the staff would consider kicking him over to Guard in place of LSmith?

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From my perspective it is a matter of chemistry and future plans. In terms of chemitry if the OL has another game against the Jets like they did against the Cards then I judge Teague to need more time to recover and I feel fine about seeing how Tucker and the OL do against the Pats.


If Tucker and the OL remain productive then Teague probably needs to wait til next year because I'm real reluctant to mess up the chemistry of an OL which has been productive three weeks in a row and against two likely playoff teams.


However, I doubt this will happen and I bring Teague back as soon as he is ready.


The other factor for me is our future plans. Jennings is so prone to injiry that I probably let him go when FA comes around. If so, I have a big hole at LT. MW was probably our original vision, but after his disappointing reaction to a death in the family it will be all he can likely do to hang on to the RT job. If Tucker looks like he can hold his own at center, probably moving Teague to LT is our best option.

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