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Russians musta thought synchronized hijacking

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At least Russia got lucky and they didn't drive them into any buildings.



Maybe they'll start rethinking their positions on Fundamental Islamic terrorists and how to go about dealing with them. This comes on the heels of losing 50 or so in a bombing a couple days ago.

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Are they sure it's terrorism now?  I can think of a few ways planes might fall out of the sky simultaneously without being hijacked...


Dexter, you read too much. Get a life, make some babies.




Oh, strike that, Tom having kids. :flirt:



Keep reading buddy.

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There's an election in Chechnya in less than a week. The Chechen rebels have already stated their intention to take their terrorism to different parts of Russia (this on the heels of bombing the subway and a rock concert in Moscow).


If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

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The official word from the Russians now is that it was not a hijacking. Thouugh personally, I doubt the Russians really know for sure.


The hijacking alert, as I understand it, is more of an "aircraft in distress" alert in Russia (again, according to the Russians) than "aircraft has been hijacked". At least, the Russians seem to believe it's a non-indicator.


I'll bet the planes were bombed, personally. It's a lot easier to coordinate something with automatic timers than by relying on people to check their watches.

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