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Will Bringing Losman In at QB Help the Bills?

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Keeping Losman on the bench to learn Buffalo's offense would be like having a nine month old baby observing a dead man's body in order to learn how to walk.




Mr. Reynolds... that's one of the funniest things I've read in a while, primarily because its so true.


Can I use that in my signature?

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How does JP's arm strength compare to other NFL QB's?




This was something I found about Losman when he was just out of college:


Height : 6-3


Weight: 220


40-Yard Dash: 4.72


Positives: J.P. Losman has the physical attributes you want in an NFL quarterback. He has good size (6-3, 220) and strength, a very strong arm that can make all the throws including the deep out, and one of the quickest releases in all of college football.


Losman has decent agility, and good speed. He also has above average athletic ability. He can make plays with his feet and can throw on the run. He's a fiery competitor, a tough leader and can take a hit. He doesn't get shaken often.


Negatives: Losman doesn't set his feet real well, throws off his back foot often causing the ball to sail, and doesn't rotate his hips properly. At Tulane, he played mostly out of the shotgun and will have to adjust to playing under center. He tends to rush his throws at times and will force the pass too often. Sometimes tries to make too much happen by himself. Also needs to work on reading coverages a little better.

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2 good reasons for having him play when he's ready.


1) Ultimately, the NFL is about entertainment.  It is transparently clear from comments around here that most people would rather see JPL than Bledsoe.


2) MM & to a lesser extent TD have the job of providing 'production'.  4 offensive TDs in 6 weeks ain't much production.  Granted, QB isn't the only cause, but look at it this way - QB is the one of the most important elements to production.  It's one of the easiest to switch (i.e. the possible permutations for different OL combinations is mind-boggling) so what have you got to lose?  Our offense is already just barely outscoring the opposing defense, what's it gonna come down to? Having the Dee tell the Oh, "just take a knee & bring in Moorman.  This'll hold'em from scoring against you."




Your point number 1 is on the MONEY!!!! The only way I am going to watch the Bills again this season is with JP in. There are arguments on both sides of whether or not to start a QB right away or give them time to develop. For every argument against, I can give you one for.


The fact of the matter is Drew stinks and people will stop buying tix which will lead to a loss of revenue which will result in less money to bring in quality players and as a result, the Bills will grow increasingly horrible and thus less and less people will buy tix and eventually Raplh will have to move the team. See what you have done Drew!!!!!!

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Guest anonymous

Your post stating that JP is not ready fails the same test that you demand of those stating that he should start. I don't think any one of us is an experienced NFL coach nor are we working with Losman and Wyche in practice, therefore how could we state one way or the other that his mechanics need work or having been corrected don't need work? I have no idea where Losman has come along, if Sam Wyche is reading this board maybe he can tell us but I don't you'll get much useful information otherwise.


I am in favor of starting Losman once he's physically ready - he does need game expericne and I'd rather have him get it as soon as possible so we don't have to go through all of next season living with his growing pains.

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