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Big Weekend coming up


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The NFL can change dramatically in a week. I feel like I hear that every week. I really think that this week could be a huge one for the landscape of the AFC East and the Bills. I am predicting that it will be just as good as last week was bad.


1. We must beat the jests and get a division win.


2. The p*ts are at Indy, I would give that game to the Colts.


3. The Fish are at Denver, who is also desperate for a win, and I would give that game to the Donkeys


I like the way that Sunday could pan out for us, but it all starts with a W for the Bills. C'mon 12th man - time to bring it.

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Personally, I'm not hung up on what the Pats and Miami do this weekend. It's a huge one for the Bills though. This Jets game will tell us and the rest of the NFL if the Bills are a legit contender in the AFC ? OR just a mediocre team that got off to a good start and now will fall back to the pack and miss the playoffs. If they are legit, they cannot lose to the Jets at home....plain and simple.

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