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Still Waiting For a Bledsoe Apologist


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I don't think even Dan Darragh would've thrown that ball. :doh:


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Drew.




Forget about trying to figure out the apologists Rico...They'll be telling us it was not Drew's fault 5 years from now when he's long gone.


After watching the Game a few more times it's pretty clear to me Drew cost this Team a net 17 points in a 14 point loss today. The 1st INT should have never been thrown...Bad play, and it's the QB's Job to recognize it...


2nd INT...just plain dumb...


The Pass behind Moulds is a bang-bang decision that Drew can no longer make, Just a little touch and loft to a wide open EM and it's 6...period, end of story...


The 3rd INT is simply a pass that should have never been thrown, and further proof that Drew does not have the feel any longer when to force one in and when to eat it...If you watch the play from the replay angle behind DB there is simply no lane there. Lewis made a great play of cutting off the angle and there is another Defender coming over the Top...That pass is deflected by Lewis, or knocked out by the DB 9 out of every ten times...


Bottom line, if Drew simply turns the negative plays into neutral plays today, the Bills win...And if anyone thinks the Players on this Team do not recognize that fact, they are sadly mistaken...These guys are Pro's, and they know. It is exactly what it is...And if Bledsoe had not lost this Team before today, it's a done deal now...

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