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So Nick across the Pond


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Me and the Duke of Edinburgh

The Queen and Defence Minister Geoff Hoon


Here are a couple of pics from the big day. I basically arranged the day along with a colleague of mine, and then had to take care of the press when they were in the building, so the first picture is the only one of me from the whole day.


I was never more than 3 ft away from The Queen while she was in the building, and I even now own a pen that she has used to write with... :) How much could I get for that on e-bay huh? ;)


The following is pretty much my explaination for the random posts of that night... i posted in another thread :D


OK - so the Queen came to my office to visit... Last Thursday. I prepared and planned the visit with a guy on my team - so we were pretty pleased when it went off without a hitch. The Queen was happy and interested, the Defence Minister was happy, so was the Chief od Defence Staff and the Permanent Under Secretary - so we were pretty pleased with ourselves.


We'd been planning this for like 6 weeks, so after she left and we got everything back in order, we went down to a boat on the Thames for a night out with the whole team. There was a free bar on the boat. I'd also gotten 5 job offers on the day - so with the free bar I really got down to some good drinking. 3 glasses of champagne, probably 7 or 8 double voka and red bulls, 1 Gin and Tonic, and two beers.


By the time to boat docked it was 10pm, and I was feeling pretty tanked - but hyper cos of all the red bull - so we went to a bar down on the Embankment called Motion (it's a regular haunt of mine). In Motion i had at least another 2 double vokas and red bull, a mojito, two beers and 3 Smirnoff Ice (but we did the stawpedo thing with them)...


About 2am the bar was due to close and there was only 5 of us left (of of 30 who started the night). We walked/staggered back to the office (bearing in mind my office is the Ministry of Defence Main Building on Whitehall) - and flashed our passes to get in. We shouted all the way on up to our office (on the 8th floor) where i started to type crap on here (sorry).


It got to 4am and I had tried to sleep a little under my desk. But the bin was in the way and so too were the wires. So i got up - put my hoody on and headed out onto the street to catch a night bus home. I got the night bus all the way back to Streatham, where I live, in about 55 minutes. As soon as i got off i spewed - it was horrible stuff.


Got home at about 5.30am - slept on the sofa until the wife got up at 7am. Went to bed. got up at 10. Got dressed - went to work for an interview doh.gif I was not a pretty sight...


A ton of other stuff happened that I have missed off (most notably my dancing in the club) but you don't need to hear that stuff. ph34r.gif

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I couldn't help but chuckle at your captions. I saw Gen Sir Michael Walker, HRH the Duke of Edinburgh, and then... "Nick in England." I'm not sure why, but it tickled me.


I imagine there was some serious stress putting the entire visit together, I'm glad to hear it went so well. I don't blame you for wanting to "cut loose" a bit that evening.


But did you get a chance to ask Her Majesty if she'd consider freeing Scotland? ;)


Mac Cailen Mor, ne oblivscaris!

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