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You just gotta love the decent, caring Left...

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I think it's hysterical. In fact cash-strapped local govt's ought to consider auctioning off naming rights (with rules regarding obscenity etc of course)...I bet there would be some really funny ones. You'd see Teddy Kennedy's name in funny places...ditto "Wide Stance" Craig (aside from the Bobble legs at Twinkie games"...


I bet if I had nothing better to do, I could go to the thread regarding the New Yorker cover and see the same wingnuts who on THIS thread are gnashing their teeth, laughing at the people who took umbrage at the New Yorker cover.


Ah wingnuts. Gotta love 'em. They have all those easy-to-push buttons .... :bag:

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Gulsh durn it. There's something wrong here. How come I didn't get to see you naked?




I think it's hysterical. In fact cash-strapped local govt's ought to consider auctioning off naming rights (with rules regarding obscenity etc of course)...I bet there would be some really funny ones. You'd see Teddy Kennedy's name in funny places...ditto "Wide Stance" Craig (aside from the Bobble legs at Twinkie games"...


I bet if I had nothing better to do, I could go to the thread regarding the New Yorker cover and see the same wingnuts who on THIS thread are gnashing their teeth, laughing at the people who took umbrage at the New Yorker cover.


Ah wingnuts. Gotta love 'em. They have all those easy-to-push buttons .... :bag:

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It really is fun watching the left stew in their bitterness amd misery!

Yep, fun to watch Shrub make the left miserable........and the right, and the middle, and the inside and outside. Its like having another Jimmy Carter....wonderful :bag:

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