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If alligator tastes like chicken what does chicken taste like?


It depends.


The rich hire obsequious folks to give them heavily worked and barely identifiable food, such as cuttlefish cannelonli with morel and asparagus puree, lobster bisque with carmelized truffles, terrine of baby lamb, roasted fois gras and the like.


Mere chicken, mere alligator - sniffed at by chef and patron alike.


Even though the hired hands and the dainty crowd served know that a deep-fried chicken drumstick or alligator drumstick with 13 herbs and spices is...Heaven on Earth.



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If cow farts contribute to Global Warming® there is really only one logical course of action...Tax cow farts


Then maybe we could get some of those subsidies back. :lol:


I'm sure algore is all over this already in his science lab and has a plan to profit from it.

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