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SCOTUS Rules For Fantasy Sports

The Avenger

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Fantasy sports almost went all the way to the Supreme Court, but the high court refused to hear an appeal in the case.


At issue: Can major league baseball charge a licensing fee for companies that use player names and statistics? MLB pressed the case, saying such information was intellectual property of the league and the players union. They had letters of support from all the other major league sports.


I lower court ruled in favor of a fantasy baseball stats company, and when the SCOTUS refused the appeal that court's decision will now stand.


As a fantasy player I'm glad my league website price isn't going to be jacked up so the league and the players get paid for information that's publicly available. When are the leagues going to realize that fantasy sports already provide a big boost? People get involved in fantasy, they watch more games, they go to more games, they buy more merchandise - it's free marketing and really keeps the fan interest at a high level.

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If they had ruled in favor of the sports leagues, I would have gone back to my original method of running my fantasy football league. I used the statistics printed in the USAToday and calculated the scores and standings in an Excel spreadsheet that I would send out to the league members.

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