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I wonder if the "Bills Army" tailgate will

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make it mandatory to get a Mike Viti jersey because he is an Army guy? I think that would be sweet if he actually makes the team.....and I would be the first to suggest that they get them!!!......in case you don't know who the Bills Army is....

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BIG LOLS at the dude hanging from the flagpole at ~45seconds in, and at the McLovin jersey


i now know what i can do with that McGahee jersey i have in the back of my closet


Yeah...these dudes sit right below me at the game and I never knew what party'ers they were.....good stuff!

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They seem to move around their seats alot, the one year they sat by my group and they are a pretty fun group to watch the games with :w00t:


Where did you used to sit?

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