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How Stupid Do You Have To Be To Cause A Disturbance

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It has to do with protecting the beloved NFL.


Here is the deal: The public will generally turn the cheek with the NFL and bash the NBA....why?


The NFL offers the best fantasy leagues, tailgating, and parlay action. Don't mess that up for people. So they won't care.





Some people are going to believe what they want to believe regardless.

It doesn't matter if the truth is staring them right in the face.


You cannot and will not ever cure a thick skull.


Even OJ should remain on the wall of fame , who cares if he murdered 2 people, he should still be honored for running with a leather ball.

LOL , insanity

But this is reality, this is the way these numb skulls operate.

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Cleveland Browns defensive back Kenny Wright was arrested Thursday after police said he led them on a quarter-mile foot chase that began in the parking lot of the police station.

The 30-year-old Wright faces a misdemeanor charge of unlawful restraint, a misdemeanor charge of evading arrest and a misdemeanor charge of possession of marijuana. He remained in the Pearland City Jail on Thursday night pending a bond hearing Friday.


Pearland police said officers were investigating a disturbance in the police station parking lot around 11:30 a.m. Thursday. When officers approached Wright, he took off running and was eventually caught in a nearby subdivision.




A few observations;


1. The cop who caught him deserves a tryout with the Browns.


2. What does the unlawful restraint charge have to do with?


3. What idiot brings pot to a police station?


4. What will Goodell's response be?

Either he is extremely slow or these are the fastest cops in the country.

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Its kind of interesting how, in the NFL, the behavior of blacks and white are held to an entirely different standard. Leinert was caught drinking (but he is 21?) and bathing with girls, but somehow this is unacceptable behavior. And everyone is "disappointed." Then there are blacks being caught with drugs or beating their spouses, and for this, "they need help," like they are some mental case. Its like they hold whites to such high standards and lower the standards for blacks, like they're supposed to screwing up so we mine as well just accept it.


Now that photo of Leinert with the champagne bottle, that's a different story.

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Its kind of interesting how, in the NFL, the behavior of blacks and white are held to an entirely different standard. Leinert was caught drinking (but he is 21?) and bathing with girls, but somehow this is unacceptable behavior. And everyone is "disappointed." Then there are blacks being caught with drugs or beating their spouses, and for this, "they need help," like they are some mental case. Its like they hold whites to such high standards and lower the standards for blacks, like they're supposed to screwing up so we mine as well just accept it.


Now that photo of Leinert with the champagne bottle, that's a different story.


You did not just compare a 24 year old drinking with 20 year old's to people having drugs and beating their wives did you?! Just went back and checked and yep you did. <_<

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No, I did not. You're missing my point. My point is that we/the media/NFL make such a big fuss about stupid things like when white players are drinking in a hot tub when there are much more serious things occurring (like beating one's wife). If a black player was caught on camera in a hot tub drinking, we would never even know about it. But, when a white player is, then something "bad" has occurred. I think this is just another example on how white NFL players are held in a higher regard than black players. It seems that teams have higher expectations for their white players.

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