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What's your worst sports injury?


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OK, let me start this by saying, when I play sports I give it my all, 100% of the time.


My worst injury was probably grabbing a rebound in basketball and being pushed from behind as I was coming down. I landed right on my left knee cap. I split it in two. I tried to keep playing, but the weird clicking in my knee and the pain were just too much. I ended up driving 20 miles back home and then decided to go to the E/R. I was in a soft cast for months.


Breaking my nose, chipping my teeth, and fracturing the upper cheek bone was a direct result of running back full speed from short stop and colliding with my brother coming full speed from left field. Two 200lb+ bodies stopping in an instant. I never realized how good cold grass felt on your face when you're in pain. No, we didn't hold on to the ball.


My two most sickening injuries happened in football to my fingers. One trying to tip a ball over a receiver from behind him so I could intercept. I ended up with my ring finger bent back and to the right in an L shape. I had to keep it that way until the E/R took x-rays. Then the doctor cracked it back close to in place. Had to do it once more to get it right. The second was playing flag football. I was just about ready to pull a flag when the guy did a spin. The same ring finger (years later) got caught in a pocket and spiral fractured. When I looked at my finger, the top part was side ways. I still can't straighten the tip out.

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