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MC Rove Drops It Like It's Hot

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Oooohh...he told a joke. What an evil man!


Reminds me of the time all you pansies threw a hissy fit over Ronnie's "we begin bombing in 5 minutes" joke.

Ya, the President joking about the mission he sent men to die for, and were actually still dying for. Dildo O'Reilly had the mother of a soldier on who died that day looking for WMD. Dildo was of course scorning here. Gotta love the right wing, their leaders, their propagandists and all.


Did you laugh at the joke?

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I wonder how they managed to hide the horns around his head?


When is his song coming out about shooting lawyers?


Don't forget about Rover singing about bribing judges, and taking a page from MacGahee and getting 5 bitches knocked up :blink:

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