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A portion of an interview with sport agent Ron Slavin

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You hear a lot on the news about agent Drew Rosenhaus and high-profile players like the Packers' Javon Walker holding out and skipping camps and practices. How much impact does that have on the business of the game?


"It has a huge negative impact. Fans look at Drew Rosenhaus and think that's how all agents are. We're not. If I were his client right now, I'd want to ask him, "Drew, if you have ten holdouts, why are you on ESPN? Why are you on every single stinkin' radio and TV show talking? You should be talking to the teams trying to get our deals done instead of promoting yourself." He's on everything right now. I don't understand why the news outlets are kissing up to him so much. I mean what has he really done? He got a good deal for Clinton Portis, which you or I could have got, because Dan Schneider's going to pay anyone in Washington. Besides that, Mike McKenzie? Drew cost him $500,000 in salary and he still doesn't have a new deal in New Orleans. All the guys he signs are a lot of times guys who are in financial difficulty, guys who are broke and need new deals just for their next meal because they blow all their money. That's the type of guys he gets because he can go out and get them loans or whatever types of things he does. If you look at his client list, they're getting arrested, they're broke, and they're usually making fools of themselves. I mean yeah, he gets top dollar, but he goes about it the wrong way, if you ask me. Just talk to the team and get it done. You don't have to go out there and talk about how great you are and call yourself a shark on ESPN and say all the other agents are jealous. We're not jealous of him. We're embarrassed for him.


Especially when you consider the average fan would be set for life if they made $10 million, it all seems absurd.


But him bringing all the attention to himself makes the fan think that. The reality of it is, what the players are making is fair because these owners are making billions of dollars. But you don't need to bring it to the attention of the fan and bring attention to yourself. Just get the deal done with the team. Nine out of ten times, the team's going to be fair. If you produce, you're going to get paid. Drew Rosenhaus makes society have a negative perception of NFL agents."

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Its called the free market. If players did not hire Rosenhaus he would change his way or operating or go out of business, but folks hire him because the buy his presentation and such is life. Maybe the folks who hire him are the stupid players, but I am not sure if either the union or the NFL can do anything but provide educational programs for players about choosing their agents (which they do) to impact this.

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I googled Ron Slavin to find out who he is, and this interview was the first thing that came up - and it's from two years ago. The only clients I can find connected to him are Hollis Thomas and John Navarre. In the interview, they mention some other 3rd-rate players. Maybe instead of wasting time doing this interview, he should have been out locking up business, because there's more than a hint of jealousy in there. Oh, and his headline client got suspended for steroids, but I'm sure he only takes on class acts.

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There is a common thread among his clients. Most of his clients are on the Dolphins, Bengals, Jacksonville, and the Redskins. In addition to where his clients are employed, a good percentage are former University of Miami players. I think it's something like 16 out of his 90 clients are from the U. Isn't it ironic that the four teams mentioned above have either some of the worst offenders or some of the most on their rosters. I'm so glad that Marv is running our organization and made it a priority to assemble character and chemistry.

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I googled Ron Slavin to find out who he is, and this interview was the first thing that came up - and it's from two years ago. The only clients I can find connected to him are Hollis Thomas and John Navarre. In the interview, they mention some other 3rd-rate players. Maybe instead of wasting time doing this interview, he should have been out locking up business, because there's more than a hint of jealousy in there. Oh, and his headline client got suspended for steroids, but I'm sure he only takes on class acts.


ha. Meanwhile I remember hearing on nfl network not too far back Rosenhaus has raked in over 240 million for his clients this offseason. Whether he rubs fans the wrong way or not, his job is to get his clients paid. As far as I can tell he's done a great job of that. Exactaly what you want an agent to do. Not play nice-nice with the fans. Players aren't my friends I dont care if they're !@#$s or how many kids they have or what they do in their personal life. As long as the team wins more consistently then they lose that's all I care about.

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Here's what I want my favorite to be like. I would like them to a good, competitive team that I could be proud of on and off the field.


As far as Rosenhaus doing his job, no doubt. I do find it more than a coincident in how many problem players he has as clients. Before anyone states that it's a business and it's all about money, let me just say this, it isn't for me.

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