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Americans Want More Government!

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I agree. When I used to train clients, I was constantly stressing that exercise was not going to do it alone. They needed to may lifestyle changes in their diet to get the most benefit of overall fitness. Some listened and some didn't.


Why are we hung up on this?... You are not gonna change a zillion independent entities... But you can effectively make some sort of change by effecting the 1,000's of independent entities (business) that the zillions live off of.


It is easier to control the few than control the many. If we go the individual route to institute change... Surely it is bound to fall apart...


Sure makes people all warm and fuzzy to think independent... When the fact is we are very interdependent...


So lets all whine about personal freedoms, B word, piss, and moan about what taxes we pay... And think we all can make an individual impact and manage things better...


Shoot away people...

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TriCare for everyone!


Misery loves company



Hey... I am not the one bellyaching... Just like buying an automobile... It is the person behind the wheel and what they choose to do with the machine...


Obviously, most people would rather choose to abuse that machine (sometimes unbeknownst to their own knowledge) and then piss and moan when it lets you down...


My father is a DAV... Been around the VA for over 40 years and he doesn't nearly piss and moan like some here that never have been part of that system...


My God!

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It is the person behind the wheel and what they choose to do with the machine...



Individual responsibility has no place in American politics! What's good for the goose is good for the gander!


After all, it does take a village

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Individual responsibility has no place in American politics! What's good for the goose is good for the gander!


After all, it does take a village


Don't confuse what I say about the individual... I could care less if they are irresponsible, just don't B word about it when issues arise.


Eff the village.

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We all know that no money ever just disappears from the "general fund"





I would guess it happens everywhere... Gov't or non-gov't...


We just happen to piss and moan because it is our "tax dollars"... That we are forced to give... And that gives millions upon millions of people the bug up thier arse on how "better" they could put the money to use...


Doesn't it just pump you when you see a 100 million know-it-alls?... And you you just have no way to PRACTICALLY placate many of the smart arses...



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