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BOTD Monday


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She's so beautiful....and her personality is just as awesome as her looks


Agreed AJ...looks and and some substance underneath? truly a rare find


Buff, let me see what I can dig up to get around that firewall from hell you've got at work

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<_< like you give a chit about personality.




:worthy: but I DO! I'd rather have an average looking chick with a great personality than a hot babe without one :sick:

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Agreed AJ...looks and and some substance underneath? truly a rare find


Darn right....especially among the Hollywood types! Eva is the total package <_<

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Damn, still no dice! Guess we have a hardcore firewall here..oh well. <_<


Lets see if this works


Edit:Guess the image insert doesnt work...hmm, let me think of something else Buff...I can't believe you can't get maxim or askmen at work


Anyone know what Corps was doing to get images that Buff could see??? Hate to leave someone out on BOTD

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