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Witness details puppy's final moments

Tux of Borg

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I agree.  Those cat-killing/torture comments almost stopped me from coming to TSW, despite the good Bills insights.


I'm sorry I haven't seen any here in a long time. Care to enlighten me on a thread or two not started by Lori that contain and good insight?

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Why do you want this deleted?

Is this something people shouldn't talk about?

Make your case.



Make my case? Why you have to ask someone to "make a case" for this being deleted almost frightens me more than the actual story. The story is disgusting!


Yes, I know, I take responsibility for opening the thread and reading it and replying to it. And yes, I know, we live in America and have "free speech" and all that PC bull. That's why I spoke up (along with others) and wanted it removed, because I don't think it's too hard to see why the story is disgusting. It's offensive. If people want to talk about the philosophy of the human condition ("isn't this something people should talk about"), fine, start a philosophy thread.


I'm not the mod on this forum nor am I going to pretend I am. If this story didn't meet the current standards (whatever they are) so it can be dropped, then, whatever, dude.

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Make my case?  Why you have to ask someone to "make a case" for this being deleted almost frightens me more than the actual story.  The story is disgusting! 


Yes, I know, I take responsibility for opening the thread and reading it and replying to it.  And yes, I know, we live in America and have "free speech" and all that PC bull.  That's why I spoke up (along with others) and wanted it removed, because I don't think it's too hard to see why the story is disgusting.  It's offensive.  If people want to talk about the philosophy of the human condition ("isn't this something people should talk about"), fine, start a philosophy thread. 


I'm not the mod on this forum nor am I going to pretend I am.  If this story didn't meet the current standards (whatever they are) so it can be dropped, then, whatever, dude.



Looks to me like this story is an AP wire type of story. It is disturbing, and yes, disgusting. But I don't find that anyone's reaction to it has been offensive. To cry henny-penny that it has to go seems more disturbing to me because it seems that you believe its presence is some type of approbation that the community here finds that behavior acceptable.


It seems to me that the story is quite factual and has resulted in a breech of justice.

I find that part the most disturbing of all.


In fact others questioned why it should be posted, which is a fair question.

But I think you were the only one that asked for it to be deleted. (aside from someone wondering if it should)

I was actually very curious why you thought so, but thanks for the surliness, dude.


Oh, and by the way, Political correctness is what curtails free speech.

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