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A little holiday shopping- Justin Smith

Buffalo Mike1

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Out of that list as far as dlinemen go. I'd take Bryan Thomas, UFA, New York Jets. Id also like Jared Allen but the chiefs will probably want a 1st rd pick for him. Thomas has been a dissapointment for the jets the past few years, but finally seems to have come into his own as a pass rusher. I think he could be had pretty cheap.

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bryan thomas just signed a 5 yr-25 mil contract w/ the jets...


justin smith is basically chris kelsay with a higher contract #


terdell sands from oakland looks like he could be had for extremely cheap and could stiffen up the interior of our DL

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We're better off keeping Kelsay.



Most people aren't pleased with the run D but at the same time they advocate keeping everybody who is currently starting on the front seven not named "Anderson." Newsflash: The Bills aren't horrible at stopping the run solely because of Tim Anderson. The LBs have trouble getting off blocks and filling the correct gaps and the DTs have trouble establishing position. Schobel does a decent job against the run but both Kelsay and Denny get blown off the ball on a regular basis.


This team desperately needs a few more quality players on the front 7. The only guys on the front seven I am adamant about not replacing are Schobel and Fletcher. Everybody else can do a better job (and no, I don't mean that everybody else should go...but their jobs shouldn't be totally safe if the Bills can find an improvement). Spikes is the wild card here. He’s played better as of late but I’m not confident he can do the job long term or that he can even stay healthy.

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5 years 25 million extension was signed right before we played the Jets. Sound like something we should do? Clements? Fletcher? Somebody?



We're gonna have to throw more then 25 mil to keep Clements around. Id probably throw that at Fletch although that seems a little pricey for a wrong side of 30 middle lb.

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In the event we lose fletcher what about Adalius Thomas, UFA, Baltimore Ravens. He'll more then likely reach the open market. Would be worth the money fletch would probably want and has been arguably the ravens best defensive player the past 2-3 years.



if fletcher leaves, who's playing mike? adalius thomas is an olb.

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Schobel does a decent job against the run but both Kelsay and Denny get blown off the ball on a regular basis. 



That's not quite the way I've been seeing it. IMO, Schobel and Kelsay are the ones getting blown off the line and out of position during the run plays. Denney seems to be doing (for the most part) a solid job closing off his inside gaps. He does seem to get swept out during the outside runs, but I'm not sure if that's more the exposure of the Sammy LB being out of position...


What this front 7 needs to stop the run is:


1. More time with the new D system

2. More time for TKO to get back to his old playing speed

3. A large DT who can take up 2 blockers and also not be a slouch on pass rushing (i.e., a younger, less lazy version of Sam Adams)

4. Another elite pass rushing DE to pair with Schobel


Regarding point #4...unless we can land Freeney somehow, I think we're better off just keeping Kelsay and hoping for a little more improvement from him. He HAS made considerable progress this season, compared to his first 3.


point #3.... I don't see any good UFA DT's so the early rounds of the draft are probably the more viable options (and getting McCargo back next year might help a little too).


point #2.....a guy like Bears OLB Lance Briggs might be worth considering in case TKO's future doesn't look too bright.


point #1...I think this is by far the biggest problem. As long as we're playing this crappy Tampa cover-2, we're always going to be undersized and rarely dominant against the run. However, timing in this defensive system is everything. If everyone can finally get on the same page and know where they're supposed to be on the field at all times, it can definitely work and we can definitely become a top 12 overall unit on D.

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Pretty sure the braintrust does not regard Sands as a Tampa-2 tackle.  We will almost certainly get another DT, but he's going to be around 300 pounds.


Watch out for Glenn Dorsey, a former teammate of Kyle Williams, if he declares.



man, all we'd really need him to do is tie up two blockers to let our other guys get one-on-ones. let triplett just try and shoot in the backfield. at least, that's what i think. :shrug:

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Bizell I understand what you're saying about Sands, but the tampa 2 in the truest form relies on a pass rush strictly from your defensive linemen since ideally you want to blitz as little as possible and leave your lb's able to cover rb's out of the backfield and te's. Sands would have to be more then just some guy who holds ground.

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