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I can check another thing off my list...


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of things that I want to do before I die.


My buddy and I just bought 4 tickets to the Feb. 18, 2007 Daytona 500. Neither of us are huge Nascar fans, but the atmosphere at the races is amazing, and this one is the pinnacle of them all.


Last year it was the Indy 500...next year the Daytona 500...in the immediate future will be watching a Bills game in Miami, among many others.


Whats on your list?

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I'm going to cross a few off in about a month.


1. See New Orleans

2. Go someplace crazy for New Years (hopefully NO will fit the bill).

3. Se ND in a bowl game.



I really want to go to Yankee Stadium before they tear it down. Not really a Yankee fan, but I bet it would be great to see a game there.


I'd also like to hit up the triple crown one year for horse racing. I've been to Preakness and Derby but I think it would be tight to hit all three in a year. Especially if there was a TC winner.

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1. Play poker in Vegas

2. Write and perform my own stand-up routine and get just ONE person to laugh.

3. Have some sort of part in a movie.

4. See an English Premier Soccer game

5. Have sex with a hot African American woman.

6. Prevent Udonkey from attending as many Bills games as possible

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1. Play poker in Vegas

2. Write and perform my own stand-up routine and get just ONE person to laugh.

3. Have some sort of part in a movie.

4. See an English Premier Soccer game

5. Have sex with a hot African American woman.

6. Prevent Udonkey from attending as many Bills games as possible



1) Be at one championship winning game for a Buffalo team!! Seeing on TV would be great, but actually being at the game


2) Seeing my kids graduate college(well for my son seeing him get past kindergarten might be an accomplishment)


3) PLay golf at Agusta


4) HeliSki into fresh tracks on some impossible hard terrain( actually taking three days of personalized lessons at Whistler this year, should advance , but do not know how much)

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I used to live in Orlando, and got free tickets once in a while to the Pepsi 400 over in Daytona.


Pretty fun to see in person, though I never actually watch it on TV.



I went to the Indy 500 and Brickyard 400 last year, both for the first time. I would've watched neither on TV, but definitely decided that Nascar races are more enjoyable live than Indy. Frankly, I'm just looking forward to a mini vacation in February, right when its getting cold and snowy here in Ohio - 2 buddies and I will be driving down to Florida and will be staying with another who just moved down there after he graduated.

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OK, who stole Tennyboys password??? :)


Maybe after 2008 I'll be happy with the way things are going in this country! :blink: Hillary's going to have her work cut out for her with the way our nose-picking flightsuit wearing scion of Halliburton is !@#$ing things up. Looked like a whipped mule on tv yesterday.

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Speaking of which, I forgot to tell the story I meant to.


The morning of the race that I attended, I got to be in Michael Waltrip's VIP tent and get my picture taken with him. Was pretty fun. One of the things that he told us was that if he won, he would shave his head.


He then proceeded to go out and win his first ever Daytona 500 (that was the day Dale Earnhardt was killed).


Bastard never shaved his head.

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