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Would you pay $1.695 mil for this?

Chef Jim

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With three DTV dishes...


I have a funny story along those lines.


I'm on my assocation's board, and last year (before I was on) they sent out all these (illegal) dish regulations, one of which said "You can only have one dish on your property." I argued most of the points and the lawyers were looking them over again.


Fast forward to today's board meeting. One of the people on the board hates dishes and again said we shouldn't allow people to have more than one because there's no good reason to have more than one. I explained that some people may want Dish and DirecTV, there's some foreign stuff you can get as well, etc. She then got snippy and said, "Well if we allow all of this, what's to stop someone from installing a 20' tall ham radio antenna then?!?!" I just looked at her and said, "Because it's not a satellite dish." :w00t::lol::P The look on her face when I said that was priceless. The president of the board snickered a little too, which probably didn't help matters. :D


Sorry, had to share :)



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