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O-line shuffle won't help as much as playcalling


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and start to attack the whole field and get everyone involved. WM runs 85% of the time up the middle; hardly any off tackle plays or outside runs. Maybe once or twice a game will we allow JP to pass on the move either via a rollout or moving pocket. And when pass we hardly ever attack the middle of the field. We never consistently get the TE's or RB's involved in the passing game. That has been the big problem; bigger than the blocking for even though JP has been sacked a lot, I'm more concerned with the plays where he has had time and not produced. Either it's Fairchild not calling the right plays or JP not finding the open guys or a combination of both that is holding us back offensively. The sad thing is that we have shown that we have talented skilled players who are under utilized and are successful when giving the opportunity. But they are rarely utilized; EXCEPT in the first 2-3 drives of the game.


This is where my big beef lies. Personally I think Fairchild is a better playcalling than a gameplanner and he is not the proper adjustments or sticking with whats working and making the D adjust. For instance the past 2 years we have been quick starters on offense. There was a stat that showed that JP had scored a touchdown in 8 of his first 15 possesions. And a lot of time in the first few drives it seems they attack more of the whole field and get everybody involved. I'm guessing it is because the first few plays are scripted. But after the first 2-3 drives it seems as if the plays or personell groups that were effective aren't utilized more and so nothing on offense is never established and thus we stop dictating to the defense to make them adjust. After those first few successful drives it seems as if we lose focus and we just start trying anything. They always have a few good offensive flashes a game but they can't put it together and keep pressure on the D. From what I have seen there is no way we would be last in offense in WM and the TE's were more involved in the passing game combined with attacking the middle of the field with our slot receivers. Our gameplanning has been suspect for the past 5 years and I hoped Fairchild would be better but he seems to be like the rest: he hasn't established an offensive identity for this team, make the proper adjustments, or but our best players in the best positions to make plays.

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and start to attack the whole field and get everyone involved. WM runs 85% of the time up the middle; hardly any off tackle plays or outside runs. Maybe once or twice a game will we allow JP to pass on the move either via a rollout or moving pocket. And when pass we hardly ever attack the middle of the field. We never consistently get the TE's or RB's involved in the passing game. That has been the big problem; bigger than the blocking for even though JP has been sacked a lot, I'm more concerned with the plays where he has had time and not produced. Either it's Fairchild not calling the right plays or JP not finding the open guys or a combination of both that is holding us back offensively. The sad thing is that we have shown that we have talented skilled players who are under utilized and are successful when giving the opportunity. But they are rarely utilized; EXCEPT in the first 2-3 drives of the game.


This is where my big beef lies. Personally I think Fairchild is a better playcalling than a gameplanner and he is not the proper adjustments or sticking with whats working and making the D adjust. For instance the past 2 years we have been quick starters on offense. There was a stat that showed that JP had scored a touchdown in 8 of his first 15 possesions. And a lot of time in the first few drives it seems they attack more of the whole field and get everybody involved. I'm guessing it is because the first few plays are scripted. But after the first 2-3 drives it seems as if the plays or personell groups that were effective aren't utilized more and so nothing on offense is never established and thus we stop dictating to the defense to make them adjust. After those first few successful drives it seems as if we lose focus and we just start trying anything. They always have a few good offensive flashes a game but they can't put it together and keep pressure on the D. From what I have seen there is no way we would be last in offense in WM and the TE's were more involved in the passing game combined with attacking the middle of the field with our slot receivers. Our gameplanning has been suspect for the past 5 years and I hoped Fairchild would be better but he seems to be like the rest: he hasn't established an offensive identity for this team, make the proper adjustments, or but our best players in the best positions to make plays.



I guess there's always just a balance we need to find. The biggest problem with MM and Tom Clements is that they would try the most complex and flashiest plays, on the other hand I remember that they would call rollouts and draws (even if they involved Shaud Williams :P ) Fairchild on the other hand is making JP improve by having him stay in the pocket, but at the same time won't allow for too many plays that do see to be more complex than the generic drop back and pass.

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one thing that bothers the hell out of me is we almost never do the 'smoke' passes or audible to them when the DBs are playing ten yards off of our receivers.... i just don't understand.


I have rarely ever seen the Bills call an audible, even when we had a veteran QB in Drew.

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Nice post, I couldn't agree more. I just don't get some of the stuipid plays these guys are running, but the worst thing is the Bills NEVER make half-time adjustments, on more than one occasion this season the Bills have been good on offense in the first half, then come out dead in the second half.


Another thing is the trick plays, that's one thing that Mularky could do right was trick plays, he had a lot of nice ones. A few of them were duds, but for the most part I enjoyed seeing them.


The trick plays this season have been just bad, I mean they line up Reed at QB and Losman at WR, there's not even any surprise to that at all. And the timing was awful too...

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You can have the most fine tuned, perfectly made gun in the world. If the guy pulling the trigger can't get the job done? Then you might as well have a Walmart special. :P




Did someone just fart?

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Can't smell him anymore since he went to the ignore list.



You can "ignore" me but not the facts. No number of posters on your "ignore" list will make Losman a NFL QB.


"ignore" = can't argue against because they have too many facts on their side :P

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You can "ignore" me but not the facts. No number of posters on your "ignore" list will make Losman a NFL QB.


"ignore" = can't argue against because they have too many facts on their side :P


You and Holcomb's Arm go get married, have some babies and spend some time together away from a computer! You can never have an intelligent post without these numb nuts trying to throw a low blow or cheap shot in!

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