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Good evening TBD'ers


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but, they will come. Would say be patient. We have been waiting so long for a winning season. Look at Kansas City the media wrote them done for the season. They kicked baltimores butt last night.


The bills have way more talent than the chiefs, especially on defense.



Hope this will give some light. There still alot of football left to play.


So now lets kick gangreens A$$ on sunday.


But, due to a sudden illness in my family. I cant go to the game on sunday.



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Thanks for the caring.


Bills are better than there record shows. Much better than the damn KC chiefs. But, I wish that Tony Gonzalez was a weapon of Drew's rather than Trent Green.


Jests run defense stinks. They lost there DE for the season. Sam Cowart is injured.

Secondary is horrific.


Look for TH & moulds to have a huge day.

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