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Anyone care to start a petition to fire the crew

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Is it just me or does the crew of MNF SUCK ??? Im not usually into judging peolpes performance, but I really find myself wanting to mute the game and listen to a baseball game on the radio then hear these guys talk.


In other news: The media really overplayed the hurricane part of last nights game. DO NOT GET ME WRONG. My heart and definately my prayers went out to the people affected by Katrina. It was horrid. The destruction done was devastating. But it seemed like it was a Katrina movie infused with a few clips of football. Yet when I talk to people from New Orleans or those devastated by katrina it seemed like they wanted to watch/go to the game to let their minds drift off from katrina. To be happy for at least 3 hours and to forget about the hurricane. yet they couldnt because every 2 seconds they were reminded of it. Just my opinion. :P

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Kornheiser should have asked Thesiman why people who lived on the coast, below sea-level, in the hurricane belt, surrounded by water held back by man-made structures CHOSE not to buy flood insurance. Oh, I guess that wouldn't have tied into the whole New Orleans is Back theme of MNF. Glad 185 million was spent on a sports venue, I doubt there was anyplace else that funding could have gone.



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Glad 185 million was spent on a sports venue, I doubt there was anyplace else that funding could have gone.



i laughed at one of the segments where they said rebuilding will take time but it starts with the symbols


i would have started with the levees, but what do i know

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Im actually going to start recording the MNF games and then at end of each week write down some of the dumb things they say and then send it to NBC to evaluate. I remember week 2 ... I dont know which one of them said it, but someone said something along the lines of (paraphrasing) "This teams defense and blah blah blah have been stellar all season." ... UHM - THEY HAVE ONLY PLAYED ONE GAMEEEEE

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Im actually going to start recording the MNF games and then at end of each week write down some of the dumb things they say and then send it to NBC to evaluate. I remember week 2 ... I dont know which one of them said it, but someone said something along the lines of (paraphrasing) "This teams defense and blah blah blah have been stellar all season." ... UHM - THEY HAVE ONLY PLAYED ONE GAMEEEEE


Dont send it to NBC, they have their own problems on Sunday night.




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