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The Brad Davies Show = The John DiTullio Show


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This is funny...


A week and a half ago or so I heard a commercial on WHTK with John DiTullio. What in the blue !@#$ is this? I know he is a "sports guy" around town and did the sports on 96.5's Brother Wease Show (and don't even get me started on that) but to get his own show? I never heard him once carry 3 hours. At this point, the only think I know about Johnny-D is that because he French's Wease's balls is probably the only reason he got the job. Listening to this guy talk is painful. He sounds like a Wease wannabe with that raspy voice but worse. Have you ever bumped into that 83 year old woman who is a 57 year veteran of smoking? You know that voice right? That’s DiTullio. Its like O.J. Simpson carved up his throat then some back woods doctor used constantina wire to stitch him back together. Its just brutal. Plus he is a Yankee Fan. What Western NY Dago isn't right? Well, except for me anyway.


I tried to keep positive about this though. By last weekend I had forgotten all about this. Monday morning though, reality came crushing in on me like one of the Fat Boys rolling off a couch. I had my radio on at work as I always do listening to Mike and Mike. At 9am the station drops the Mike and Mike feed to start their own local show. I wasn't paying attention to the time when my radio went to sh--. All I heard was brutal static. AM radio isn't exactly FM Stereo quality sound to begin with, so this wasn't new to me. Plus working in a RF Communications Company I catch interference all the time over the AM bands. It was different this time though. I moved my radio around. I repositioned the antenna. I moved away anything that might cause interference. I drop kicked my radio and gave it a flying plancha for good measure and nothing. Just a sound of static and scratching in an epic battle for superiority. My ears were going nuts. Nothing was making it go away…!@#$ - Its John Ditullio. The Brother Wease Graveytrain rider has arrived.


Once I pulled out the exacto knives that I slammed into my ears and took a couple valium's I calmed down and tried to listen to the show. It !@#$ing sucks. The only thing good is he keeps a leash on the callers. This is important when that walking Italian stereotype from E.R. Dom calls. Somebody sanction a hit on that guy already. Seriously Dom. Calling the Buffalo Bills "Flubbalo" is NOT clever. Its actually pretty lame. Take your weak smack to your Cleveland Browns circle jerk and leave it there, but I digress. In a stunning display of creativeness, Johnny-Boy has come up with his "Douche Bag of the Week". Brilliant. Way to jack Mike and Mike's "Just Shut-up" award and turn it into complete crap. You know who should win the Douche Bag of the year award? John DiTullio of course. I mean hell, it sounds like he has a couple dried up (used of course) douche bags lodged in his throat.


After the Brad Davies era, how can they user in a new era with this guy? In John's promo's for the show, he says "I've been living in Rochester for NINE years now, and I have always wanted my own show". Really? I've living in Rochester for 23 of my 30 years and I'd love to have my own show yet the monkey isn't dropping me a line! Maybe I could stat my "Dillweed of the week" award to have that catchy gimmick the public will just sink their teeth into. Perhaps I could give Wease oral a couple times a day and form my own "throat condition" to sound like I had a tracheotomy performed by Michael J. Fox. The easiest thing to do would be to just wait it out. Too bad the regular callers are all kissing his ass to get more air time and I just don't see another city beating a path to Johnny's door trying to steal him away anytime soon.


Things come and go and apparently it just wasn't refreshing am radio's time here in Crapchester. In the meantime I will be trying to figure out how to get reception for my Sirius radio here at work. I'm 150 plus feet from the nearest window. Hopefully I will be bestowed with a flash of brilliance and come up with an easy solution. God help me if I have to resort to FM radio for 3 hours a day again. Thanks for nothing 1280 WHTK.


War permanent laryngitis for John Ditullio.



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Have you ever heard Scotty Farrel? Farrel on the bench. He must be a brotherds because he has that grovel voice too.


Ink that is a pretty funny rant to the station. Is that yours?

No, mine would be more obsenity laced. :blink:

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