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Pretty fun movie I must say. Way over the top but does not pretend to be anything else. I really enjoy Jason Statham as a lead. Was great in Snatch and even like the Transporter movies(even though they arent my type of flick). The part with him doing the very hot Amy Smart on the sidewalk was wild. All to keep his adrenelin up.

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I'm dying to see it. I loved both transporter flicks and I thnk Jason Statham is a total badass. It doesn't surprise me that you say it was over the top since that's how the transporter flicks are too, but I don't mind it when the goal of the flick is to simply entertain you, you know? And he's a lucky bastard for having amy smart as his co-star.....she's awesome :doh:

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I had a dream the other night that I was in a movie with Jason Statham. I was his love interest. :doh: All I remember from the dream is that he liked to cuddle and he smelled really good. :P:P


I forgot to add that I loved both Transporter movies and I can't wait to see Crank. Jason Statham is a fine looking guy and has an accent that causes me to melt every time I hear it. :P

Edited by LanaK6
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I'm dying to see it. I loved both transporter flicks and I thnk Jason Statham is a total badass. It doesn't surprise me that you say it was over the top since that's how the transporter flicks are too, but I don't mind it when the goal of the flick is to simply entertain you, you know? And he's a lucky bastard for having amy smart as his co-star.....she's awesome :doh:


See it bro you wont be disappointed. I love fun movies like Transporter as well. Action flicks like Xmen, Mission Impossible are tired. I like how in Transporter 2 his car never got as much as a scratch on it! Even when jumping between, through and over buildings. :P

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See it bro you wont be disappointed. I love fun movies like Transporter as well. Action flicks like Xmen, Mission Impossible are tired. I like how in Transporter 2 his car never got as much as a scratch on it! Even when jumping between, through and over buildings.  :doh:



I totally agree....I always take into consideration what a flick is trying to be, you know? Obviously Transporter2 wasn't trying to be a serious film. It was trying to give you a 90-minute escape from the world where you could just sit back and go on a ride with this guy. I totally dig that, and I totally get it. The only scene you need to see in order to fully understand what the goal of the flick was, was where the guy had the explosive attached to the bottom of his car and he flipped upside down Knight Rider style to knock it off with the crane. Is there any chance in hell that could happen? Fug no! lol......but I still loved it. Throw in some great fight scenes and some pretty ladies, and I'm good to go :P


The cool thing is that Crank is actually getting some pretty good reviews from critics, so this should be interesting....I'm off the next four days, so I may have to go check it out :P


Here's a review from a jackass who never likes ANYTHING.....I'm shocked he gave this a B-


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Damn. First there's a post about loving grass and now there's a post about crank. What's next?  :doh:


I vote for orgies :P

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Transporter 1 and 2 were strangely fun...in Transporter 2, they throw in things to poke fun at how ridiculous the movie really is (like the upside down flying car and the extra suits he keeps shrink wrapped in his trunk). By doing that, it's hard to find fault with a movie so over the top. It's too bad he's too bulky and bald to play James Bond.

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A friend of mine just saw Crank and he said it was so bad that he almost left the theater half way through it......which sucks because I was actually looking forward to this flick.


Just an FYI.....


I think its one of those movies that you get or you dont. Definitlely not for all tastes. I can see how some would be think its just ridiculous or even offensive. Not me though :doh:

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A friend of mine just saw Crank and he said it was so bad that he almost left the theater half way through it......which sucks because I was actually looking forward to this flick.


Just an FYI.....



Do you two have similar taste or something? I find that films I end up loving are often times those that my friends hate, and vice versa. I don't need to know any more about this film than I already do to know that I'm probably going to love it, but I have a very wide range of films that I can enjoy. Not everyone has the same taste. The only genre that I really don't have a taste for is the English period piece chick flick. I'd rather have a root canal than sit through some sappy flick set in the 1700s where you can barely gather what they're saying. On the other hand a flick like "Love Actually" I absolutely LOVE....It's a chick flick that allows for some male perspective, and the humor is really enjoyable.


Anyway, too bad your friend didn't dig it....but who knows, maybe you'll feel differently about it :doh:

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I think its one of those movies that you get or you dont. Definitlely not for all tastes. I can see how some would be think its just ridiculous or even offensive. Not me though  :doh:



Yep, I'm about 99% certain that I'll love this flick, lol....

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On the other hand a flick like "Love Actually" I absolutely LOVE....It's a chick flick that allows for some male perspective, and the humor is really enjoyable.



That's one of my favorites also. We even used the music when the kid is running through the airport for our Bridal Party introducations at our reception.

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That's one of my favorites also. We even used the music when the kid is running through the airport for our Bridal Party introducations at our reception.



Is that not a great scene? The dynamic between Liam Neeson and that kid was just awesome. I loved the way the different story lines both contrasted with one another, but also intersected. It was a really well done film with a lot of great feel good moments, and as a guy you don't have to sit there and cringe like you do with some chick flicks. :o


Awesome, awesome flick.

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The only genre that I really don't have a taste for is the English period piece chick flick. I'd rather have a root canal than sit through some sappy flick set in the 1700s where you can barely gather what they're saying. 


Like Sense and Sensibility? :o

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Is that not a great scene? The dynamic between Liam Neeson and that kid was just awesome. I loved the way the different story lines both contrasted with one another, but also intersected. It was a really well done film with a lot of great feel good moments, and as a guy you don't have to sit there and cringe like you do with some chick flicks.  :D


Awesome, awesome flick.



ok...can we stop holding hands now?

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Is that not a great scene? The dynamic between Liam Neeson and that kid was just awesome. I loved the way the different story lines both contrasted with one another, but also intersected. It was a really well done film with a lot of great feel good moments, and as a guy you don't have to sit there and cringe like you do with some chick flicks.  <_<


Awesome, awesome flick.


And there's so many great quotes also.....


Jamie: [in Portuguese] Good evening.

Mr. Barros: Yes?

Jamie: I am here to ask your daughter for her hands in marriage.

Mr. Barros: You want to marry my daughter?

Jamie: Yes.

Mr. Barros: [to someone in the back of the house] Come here, there is a man at the door. He wants to marry you.

Sophia Barros: [a large and confused women emerges] But I've never seen him before.

Mr. Barros: Who cares?

Sophia Barros: You're going to sell me to a complete stranger?

Mr. Barros: Sell? Who said 'sell'? I'll pay him.

Jamie: Pardon me. I'm meaning your other daughter - Aurelia.


Mikey, DJ interviewer: How do you think this new record compares to your old, classic stuff?

Billy Mack: Oh come on Mikey, you know as well as I do the record's crap. But wouldn't it be great if number one this Christmas wasn't some smug teenager but an old ex-heroin addict searching for a comeback at any price? Those young popsters come Christmas will be stretched out naked with a cute bird balancing on their balls and I'll be stuck in some dingy flat with me manager Joe, ugliest man in the world, !@#$ing miserable because our !@#$ing gamble didn't pay off. So if you believe in Father Christmas, children, like your Uncle Billy does, buy my festering turd of a record. And particularly enjoy the incredible crassness of the moment when we try to squeeze an extra syllable into the fourth line.

Mikey, DJ interviewer: I think you're referring to "If you really love Christmas..."

Billy Mack: "Come on and let it snow." Ouch.

Mikey, DJ interviewer: So, here it is one more time, the dark horse for this year's Christmas number one, Christmas Is All Around. Thank you, Billy. After this, the news. Is the new prime minister in trouble already?

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