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Don't blame Bledsoe


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So you have Henry running pretty well. 4th down, why not try to bring your biggest fattest guys in and get the yard? Heck even a QB sneak is good, Bledsoe is pretty good at those.


Gotta question that playcalling!


Have to hand it to the Bills they had the Pats on their heels all game. A couple of fluke plays both ways. I am not looking forward to the next game between these two teams.

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So you have Henry running pretty well.  4th down, why not try to bring your biggest fattest guys in and get the yard?  Heck even a QB sneak is good, Bledsoe is pretty good at those.


Gotta question that playcalling!


Have to hand it to the Bills they had the Pats on their heels all game.  A couple of fluke plays both ways.  I am not looking forward to the next game between these two teams.



Well two things......it was three yards (thanks to Travis) and if it were 1 yard Travis would have just fallen down anyways.

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Too bad Henry can't keep his feet on any clutch play that matters. It's pick your poison with this offense. A dramatic improvement, and yet still a pultry 10 points.


Get McGahhe in the game.


P.S. - London Fletcher and Coy Wire are the biggest losers in Pro sports.

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Terrible call, no need to have the immobile Bledsoe turn his back to the line of scrimmage with a play action.  Give us a chance at least.


Truth is, from I saw, the play WOULD have worked, but someone on the OL pulled and went to the RIGHT when the entire play went to the left. If he stayed in his place, Bruschi was picked up. Look at the play again. Everything worked EXCEPT one player going the wrong way.

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Truth is, from I saw, the play WOULD have worked, but someone on the OL pulled and went to the RIGHT when the entire play went to the left. If he stayed in his place, Bruschi was picked up. Look at the play again. Everything worked EXCEPT one player going the wrong way.



Remember Bruchi and Seymour got through. Looks like the whole side of the failed to make a play.


I still think McGahee or Henry with a power rush up the middle, ya can make the first down. Right right at the rookie Wilfork.

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it was the playcalling general scheme against the best team in the NFL that kept the Bills in the game. The playcalling wasn't the problem.


It was our players. WAKE UP. Our players don't get it done. They don't know how. They have no heart. A few of them do, but they're surrounded by idiots who aren't aware of the situation at hand, and they do stupid things.


The Bills beat the Bills.


again .

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