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Nothing to see citizen, now move along

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Something similar happened to a friend of mine in Miami. He was taking pictures of police arresting some dude and the dude was resisting a bit, so the police were getting rough. We they saw my friend taking pictures, one of them came over and told him to stop. My friend says "Okay", but about a minute later he was taking pictures again. So they roughed him up a bit.


Of course, he's a law student at Northwestern, so he's up on his civil rights. Last time I heard he was thinking of taking action and turning it into a paper for school. I'll let you know if I hear anything further.


BTW, he was hammered. I saw him in downtown Ft. Lauderdale at 1 AM earlier in the night. I can just imagine his state when this stuff happened.

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He said that when he saw the street lined with police cars


I could understand if he was taking pictures of plain clothes undercover cops, might comprimise other investigations or put them in danger.


but if the street is lined with police cars, there's nothing wrong with taking pictures of the uniform cops

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