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But nowhere near as much as we give to Israel, who gets more aid than any other country.  Our tax dollars are paying for Israel's arsenal, which was used to blow up a power plant in Gaza that we paid for, and Lebanese infrastructure that we paid for, and now we're paying for humanitarian aid for Lebanon because Lebanese people are being killed with weapons we paid for and are resupplying.  Seems like the military industrial complex is running our foreign policy.  If we're going to supply and train anyone, it should be the Lebanese military so they would have the ability to disarm militias and defend their borders.  But Lebanon might turn us down given our track record in Iraq.




Ah, yes, the VAUNTED military-industrial complex. You do realize, of course, that heavy industry in the US has been on the wane for oh, 50 years or so, right?


With each and every post, it becomes clearer what you are, Joe. You're an apologist for radical islam. You're a hater of America and Israel, and you'd like nothing more than to see us and our allies lose this war. You should count yourself fortunate you aren't living in the early forties. You'd likely have been a Nazi sympathizer, too. Only people wouldn't have been so nice to you, Joe. You'd have been a pariah.

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