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Abolish the death penalty now!

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I agree many Republicans can't be trusted with money.



No Republicans can be trusted with money

No Democrats can be trusted with money


Truth is its real easy to be wasteful and fraudulent when you're spending other people's money

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I agree many Republicans can't be trusted with money.  Traditionally, there's been a correlation between Democrats and liberalism; and between liberalism and waste.  The first correlation is becoming weaker, because the Republican party is drifting away from its Calvin Coolidge tradition of small government.  One need look no further than the current president to see a Republican spending money like a drunken sailor.



Drifting away? Drifting away?


They were watching penguins dive in the Antarctic about 20 years ago!

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What I have a harder time accepting is the unstated assumption that a wrongful execution is somehow a greater tragedy than a highway fatality, or a murder, or a construction-related death.



i have a hard time accepting that executing an innocent person is somehow NOT a greater tragedy than a murder. And I wouldnt even put murder and "construction related death" or " highway fatality" in the same category as murder.

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i have a hard time accepting that executing an innocent person is somehow NOT a greater tragedy than a murder. And I wouldnt even put murder and "construction related death" or " highway fatality" in the same category as murder.


Sounds like you've got your mind made up. I suspect you won't rethink this until you lose a loved one to a murder or car accident or construction death. Personally, I think that a three year old child getting killed by a drunk driver is a greater tragedy than some career criminal being executed for a crime he didn't commit. But that's just my opinion, and it sounds like yours is very different.

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