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Waterspots on my new truck...

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I think Mr. Clean has a product, some car wash kit, that attaches to the hose. All it is, is a filter that ends up pouring deionized distilled water out at the end. So when you do the final rinse on the car, the water is pure and it evaporates without a trace element left. Might want to look into that.

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I think Mr. Clean has a product, some car wash kit, that attaches to the hose. All it is, is a filter that ends up pouring deionized distilled water out at the end. So when you do the final rinse on the car, the water is pure and it evaporates without a trace element left.  Might want to look into that.


Biggest. Piece. Of. Crap. Ever.


Oh yes, it evaporates...and leaves the most ungodly waterspots everywhere. Used it on my car, which is charcoal in color, and packed the !@#$er up and brought it back to the store with the soap still dripping from the box.

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