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Ralph better find a loophole in that CBA agreement

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I thought I read in one of those stories that this issue was one that still needed to be voted on by the owners. Not sure why, though.


It's a terrible thing, to be sure. I would guess it was put in by the bastard new guard owners to prevent any team from being sold in the future to an owner wanting to keep the team in a small market town. Basically it grandfathers in the current small market owners and guarantees that, in the future, all teams will eventually end up in large market towns with no further revenue sharing.


You're right, it was basically a big FU to Ralph and the small market owners. It's no secret that they have disdain for the small guys.

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I was going to post something on this, since it seemed to slip-by most everyone.


They were too busy making 'senile' jokes at RCW's expense. Beginning to look like that 'No' vote was the correct one after all, isn't it?

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They were too busy making 'senile' jokes at RCW's expense. Beginning to look like that 'No' vote was the correct one after all, isn't it?

I realized soon after the vote that "no" was the way to go. According to an article by Don Banks, the extent of revenue sharing is that $30M TOTAL (wow!) will be available annually to those teams in the bottom-17 of revenues, if their player expenditures go above 70% of revenue. And then stuff like new owners not being able to share in revenue, and it's obvious that none of the OTHER owners truly understood it, panicked, and voted-in something that was crafted by the greedy scum-suckers and sold to them like a used-car salesman sells a lemon.

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