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From the Buffalo news -


"Buffalo Bills-logo clothing has shown up in some of Western New York's finer drinking establishments, as well as in football stadiums throughout this country.


But this may be the first time a big celebrity wore a Bills jacket, to a movie premiere, in Poland.


This Associated Press photo was taken March 2, at the Polish premiere of Jon Voight's new film, "John Paul II," which stars Voight as the late pope.


See the Bills logo in lower right-hand corner of this photo?


We wondered how and why the "Midnight Cowboy" star came to be wearing the logo of our hometown team.


It's because of "Second String," the made-for-cable movie about a bunch of backup players who take the Buffalo Bills on a run to their first Super Bowl.


Voight played the team's tough-hearted coach.


After the movie wrapped up filming in 2000, Voight bought up a bunch of Bills jackets, his manager, Dorothy Koster, said.


"He wears it, and his whole family wears the jackets," she told Off Main.


What's next? Will Voight's daughter, Angelina Jolie, join the Buffalo Jills?"


Just imagine gentlemen: Angelina with nothing but a Bills Jacket on, standing in

front of you, with expectation in her eyes......

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