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Happy Ides of March!

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Is thay play the only reason anyone knows the ides of March?


The Ides played a fairly important role in Roman culture. Those of us who took a few years of Latin don't think about Billy Shakespeare when the Ides are upon us.
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No...some folks study history. :doh:



Ok, I'll claim ignorance.


As a scientist, I always thought of science as a history of dead religions, so please enlighten me as to the meaning of the ides, please.

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So says the soothsayer. If I catch anybody saying any sooth around here, that's it. I mean, I'm throwing down the gauntlet. There's too much sooth around here anyway.


Last time. Don't let me catch anybody saying sooth.

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So says the soothsayer. If I catch anybody saying any sooth around here, that's it. I mean, I'm throwing down the gauntlet. There's too much sooth around here anyway.


Last time. Don't let me catch anybody saying sooth.


"Sooth, Sooth, we give good Sooth!-Charlie Callas-History of the World Part I. :doh:

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So says the soothsayer. If I catch anybody saying any sooth around here, that's it. I mean, I'm throwing down the gauntlet. There's too much sooth around here anyway.


Last time. Don't let me catch anybody saying sooth.



Zounds! Odds Botkins! Land Sakes! The Idea!

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Sooth! :)





I see you have called me to account. A gauntlet has been thrown and like a Frechman most irate I must retort:



You, sir, are the child that ate too many lead pencils as a kid.



Anyone else want some?

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