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Typing with a good buzzzzz

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It could be worse. I have had time to think/dwell about the team. What do you want to bet Fat Mike will sign with the Texans? Guard David Carr's ass and be a multiple pro bowler. I find it hard to believe that Mike suddenly became "dain bramaged" enough to understand how not to block.

I think Marv is going to seriously clean out the cupboards. I think Marv will basically have us looking like an expansion team salary and talent wise this coming season. Whoever is going to be the QB better have that other insurance "Asscrack". A poor o-line leads to dismal seasons. We are a cold weather team. Marv understands this. When Marv was the coach, we were THE top rushing team-the combo of Thomas and Davis was special!!!. That requires a good o-line. It doesn't mean trhe biggest-err fattest line. Jim Kelly would not fare well behind the line we have now. Jim has basically stated that how well Thermal did, that is how well the rest of the team did for that day.

I hope one of our tight ends comes through and establishes himself.. The passing game has sucked since Pete Metz-my spelling stinks-retired. I would not be opposed to drafting the te out of Colorado-Kleinsomethingorother. He is like 6'9"--like Pete. Let Moulds go. No point in keeping a high priced wr until we can give the qb time to throw. Sign Joe Juriwhatever.

If Trent Dilfer can win a Super Bowl, anyone can. I can't even name the te or wr's on that team that won it all.

Bill Parcells and Billichump has shown us how to win a Super Bowl. It all starts with the o-line. Without that nothing else will happen. The qb's job is simple--manage the game. A workhorse rb behind a dominating line will make any qb look good. I would love to see Jamal Lewis or Mike Anderson in a Bill's uniform to compliment Willis. Maybe that will light a fire under Willis's ass.

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Agreed on the Oline....


This will be an interesting next few weeks...new players are coming for sure....I want a center, safety, O & D Tackle...is that too much to ask?


I'm hoping for a back up running back as well...Its gonna be fun!

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