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Serenity movie on Cable PPV

Webster Guy

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I was kind of disappointed with it.  But that's only because the Firefly fans had built this into something that no movie could have possibly lived up to.


Very possibly.


It also helps to have watched the series first. The movie standsalone well, but you really get a lot more from it if you "know" the characters better.



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Very possibly.


It also helps to have watched the series first.  The movie standsalone well, but you really get a lot more from it if you "know" the characters better.





I liked it, but did feel I was missing something not being familiar with these characters. Are they planning on another Serenity movie (ie, did the first one make enough money?)

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I liked it, but did feel I was missing something not being familiar with these characters.  Are they planning on another Serenity movie (ie, did the first one make enough money?)


It's up in the air right now. It cost $39M, and made roughly $35M. That was before DVD sales, which have been going through the roof. It's still in the top-10, two months after release (#9 today, #11 yesterday), so it's selling well.



Firefly, the series, is still #12 (it was #17 yesterday):



Keep in mind that the series (Firefly) has been out for two or three years, and is STILL selling that well...


So it's possible that there'll be a sequel, but nobody knows yet.


I would definately recommend renting (or buying) the Firefly series -- it's AWESOME.



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I saw the movie and liked it.  My question is, with this talk of maybe a sequel, did the series move past the discovery of what happened on the planet/origin of the "Reavers (sp?)" or was that supposed to be discovered at the end of the (presumably longer-running) series?


The Reavers had a relatively small part on the series and nobody knew where they came from. You just knew if they were coming, you tried to run the other way.


The series itself wasn't really "about" one specific group, one specific character, etc. It was, in essence, a Western that asked the question, "How do the outlaws survive on the fringes of society?" They all had a different reason for being outalws (some, like Book, you don't really even know), but that was the story.


You obviously can't have something open-ended like that for a movie, so they needed to pick something and focus on it for the movie. That's why the series was way better (IMHO), although I really loved the movie too.


That answer your question...?



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Amazon has Firefly - The Complete Series (2002) on sale right now for $20.


If you are looking for filler to get over that $25 mark for free shipping, another Fezmid recommendation is Hey...Stop Stabbing Me! (2003)


I love Stop Stabbing Me. My wife thought it was lame. It's definately campy, but hey. ;)


Here's the site from the people who made it:



They also made National Lampoon's Dorm Daze (havn't seen it yet, but it's on my list).


Firefly is much better though. :lol:


Also, a better DVD to add to your card would be:



You'll want to watch it after you're done with Firefly, trust me.


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You guys who watched Serenity but felt it didn't live up to the hype, try watching it a second time....honestly....you'll go into it w/out the expectation and probably pick up on a lot of details that you missed the first time. I had seen all the Firefly episodes and I still felt that the second viewing yielded a lot of stuff that I either missed or didn't think enough about the first time I saw it.

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