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Since we haven't had a good s#it story today...

The Dean

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Or use these flushable versions.  Developed by a guy in Rochester...




Never saw those. I'm a regular user of Scott Moist Wipes (fully flushable) for a refreshing post TP clean-up. They seem to be sold in most large grocery stores and some drug stores.


Those of you with problems...or who just like a good laugh at others' expense, should take a look at this:



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I do have kind of s**t story.  it has to do with bathroom(public) etiquette.  Lets say you are taking the browns to the super bowl and all the stalls are occupied, you being an occupant of one.  what is the etiquette of finishing your business and exiting the stall.  I have always felt that you let one person warsh up and exit before you leave the stall.  Does anyone else feel that way?  I hate it when I am finishing up,(in a public/work restroom you can hear people unspooling TP) and you hear someone else finishing up seemingly to exit the stall around the same time as you.  I say wait let one person finish and leave before you leave.  thoughts??????


So I'm not the only one. I usually wait till there's no one in the stalls on either side before "cleaning up". I can't point to a reason why, it's just one of my OCD's.

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