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So, I'm the only one who doesn't mind Jauron?


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Yes but come September and October...


...it could be worse.


That being said, I will give Jauron a chance. Why? Because I don't have a choice otherwise. I always have and always will love the Bills. I started my ride in the 60s and I will continue it until I am well past my 90s.


It is against my nature to assume a glass is less than half full until I get a chance to actually look at the glass.



I don't assume a glass is half-empty or half-full. I wait until I see the glass.


Regardless, I've seen Jauron coach. With the Bears. While I think he's an improvement over Mularkey (which isn't saying much; I think my cats would be an improvement over Mularkey, simply because they'll never call a Mickey Mouse bull sh-- end-around fake reverse !@#$tard WR option pass), I was unimpressed. But I'll wait until he actually !@#$s something up before I burn him in effigy...because until he does, excatly what am I supposed to burn him in effigy for? Being "Dick Jauron"? :rolleyes: There'll be plenty of time to worry about it in September...

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