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Official Press Conference Thread

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A cont'd: "I am excited and positive about the upcoming season...and I'm not saying that to sell tickets.


Q: Will you retain some current coaches.


A: yes...some are being interviewed (no names mentioned)


Q: Will yoube looking at HC with experience?


A: Not neccessarily...plenty of good coaches that don't have exp.



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Q: what qualities are you looking for a HC?


A: someone to oversee the entire operation...some who can delegate...buit not someone who does everything themselves. I don't think a HC should micro manage


Q: Did you am ML try to talk MM out of quitting?


A: No...it was obvious that he was leaving. We did not try to talk him out of it

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Q: Are you willing to pay the going rate for an HC? Is $$$ a factor in hiring a coach?


A: NO! In fact the former GM did not even tell me what he was paying our coaches. I had no idea.


Q: Is Haslett a possibility? What about Ted Cotrell?


A: We will speak with everyone, starting this afternoon (no name ggiven)

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Note: Marv Levy will be speaking later


Q: Was MM really concerned about family?


A: I believe he was


Q: Are the Bills behind the 8-ball


A: Not to be funny, but I always feel like we are behind the 8-ball (not sure what he meant by that)


Q: Will the new coach need a thicker skin to coach in Buffalo?


A: I think anyone who works in the public eye has to uinderstand what comes with the job

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Q: I sthere a coaching budget?


A: No. If you are lucky enough to reach 80, nd I'm 87, you have no agenda...you can be honest. And I am being honset...we have no coaching budget...no lmit on what I am willing to spend on a coach\

end of questions

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