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A Few Quick Thoughts About The Game...

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I'm not absolving Gray from guilt, I think this defense definitely has its share of problems. And that certainly wasn't why I called you presumtuous... I was simply saying that you tying Schobel's confusion to Gray's effectiveness as a coordinator is presumptuous. He showed he was an NFL-caliber DC last season... when nobody had any complaints about him. This year, nobody in particular is doing well on this team.


You explicitly said... "TD? MM? Nope. Imo, the biggest culprit for this disaster was clearly Gray."


MM had just as much if not more to do with this than Gray. You can't just be productve as an offense for the first 10 minutes of the game, mail it in, and expect the defense to win it for you by holding a lead. You need to continue to consume clock and control the ball. That's what good teams do -- teams such as Carolina, Pittsburgh, New England. In Buffalo, our offense played lights out for most of the first quarter. Thereafter, here is what they did:






INTERCEPTION (at goal line)






9 possessions (7 of which resulted in punts)

2 critical turnovers coming away empty in scoring position

Not a single point scored


Doesn't exactly make it easy for the defense.



MM didn't have a good game. He was awful.

As for Gray, if you wish to absolve him from guilt, stupidity and inferiority, I guess there is little I can say to you. 

Call me crazy (or presumptuous  :blink: ) as you will, but I am thinking that he should have conjured up a way to hold onto a 21 point lead against a garbage team.

Gray would probably be a good DC at the college level.


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Wasn't the game over after the 2nd Bills TD? Watching Mularkey and the bench it sure seemed that way. He was too busy rah rah-ing  like a cheerleader to even be thinking stratgegy to preserve (build) on the lead. They should have dowsed him with the Gatorade right then and there....maybe he would have drowned...



Reminds me of David Letterman's Top Ten after the Bills blew a halftime lead to Dallas in the Super Bowl. I can't remember them all, but I remember a couple of them:


Top Ten Things Said By Marv Levy at Halftime:


"Hey Kelly, save some champagne for the rest of us"

"Phew, we won"


Anyone remember the others?

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Found it online ...



Top Ten Things Buffalo Bills coach Marv Levy said at halftime


10. We won! Woo! We're superbowl champs!


9. Boy, I'm sleepy. You guys sleepy"


8. We've got a long trip home after the game, so I don't want anyone wearing themselves out


7. Now get out there and rest on your laurels!


6. Hey, Kelly. Leave some champagne for everyone else!


5. What do you mean there's two more quarters?


4. Let's plan exactly how you're gonna dump the gatorade on me


3. Okay, boys--get out there and start sucking


2. Wait a minute, if we win, we have to go to Disneyland


1. Hey fellas, more fudge?

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Hey Bill, what about JP? What did you like/dislike about his play? Did you feel he's progressing? I didn't get to see the game, so I'd love to hear your take.

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Hey Bill, what about JP? What did you like/dislike about his play? Did you feel he's progressing? I didn't get to see the game, so I'd love to hear your take.



I think that (obviously) what JP did best was find Evans. This is important because he is the receiver on the Bills who can get it into the endzone and loosen up the defense.

He made mistakes, but the pick should never have happened. MM blew that series.


Imo, JP certainly needs lots of work, but he looks good; better than I thought he would.

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