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Tom Clements needs to go


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His performance with the office was absolutely horrible.


Granted, KH was atrocious. However, he is the person that calls the plays.


On fourth down, PLEASE send EVERYONE passed the first down marker.


Oh, and don't try to pitch it BACKWARDS.


You piss away talent - its only when you have lots of talent that you look good. Go away.

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His performance with the office was absolutely horrible.


Granted, KH was atrocious.  However, he is the person that calls the plays.


On fourth down, PLEASE send EVERYONE passed the first down marker.


Oh, and don't try to pitch it BACKWARDS.


You piss away talent - its only when you have lots of talent that you look good.  Go away.


a good play call, bad execution. i blame that bad play on Holcomb, and the LB who jumped over the pile and hit him, breaking the timing of the play.


the first quarter was full of good play calls, but bad execution by holcomb.

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I am getting the impression, fakes, Camouflage, Disguises, gimmicks are the way Mularkey wants to run this club.


The problem with all this crap is that you have to play actors, not real football players. The defense is geared strictly on disguising different blitzes. The players have been plaeding to go back to base formations that let the players play their natural positions.


The offense has a lot of these cutsie little plays. They were successful with some last year, but now Mularkey is relying on them rather than playing the basic plays.


When these "coaches" go back and put the players in the best position to win, the players react. Just look at the D yesterday. Yes, KC has a line that is hurting, it still is better than the Bills. BUT with the KC line, the Bills d-line was getting all sortes of pressure without having to blitz.


Maybe the "coaches" should just ask the players to be players and not actors.

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