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Dink and dunk

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You people complain about everything . Well Holcomb is a noodle arm dink and dunk passer..yea right Ive been to a practice or two and watched him throw and he has enough arm to throw the deep ball. As a matter of fact we`ll see old dink and dunk BRADY this week ,who has how many RING`s. So get off the rag people,it`s the play calling ...NOT Da PLayer,when it comes to KELLY :doh:

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Between them, Joe Montana and Tom Brady have dinked and dunked their way to seven Super Bowl rings. It always helps if your team has a defense and an offensive line.




I think there's a misconception with Holcomb; it is he can't throw the deep ball because he's got a weak arm. I tend to think the truth regarding that is he loses accuracy with the deep ball so he tends to dink and dunk it more. His offensive line hasn't given him much time when we do call for the deep plays. If you're an NFL quarterback, you have to be able to throw the ball downfield. Even Pennington, who's probably got the weakest arm in the league could toss the ball at least 40 yards.


Everyone points toward Holcomb's big game against Pitt in the playoffs, when speaking of his limited success. In that game, he did go deep quite often so he's definitely capable of throwing the longball. For a variety of reasons, it just hasn't happened yet. I'm not trying to defend the guy because I'd like to see Losman get his reps but he has been getting ripped for his arm a lot lately. He isn't that old. You think the guy would be in the NFL if he wasn't capable of throwing beyond 25 yards?


I have a feeling we'll be forcing the longball in the next few games.

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I have a feeling we'll be forcing the longball in the next few games.



While you are probably right...I'd like to see us run 35-40 times per game over the next few games, w/Willis getting at least 30 carries.

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Last I heard was that he's missed practices this week.


Most of the mainstream media's been acting like he'll play, but with the Pats' injury luck this year, I'll guess he sits out.



That's too bad - he's a great player to watch.


I assume Pass is 100%. He's a pretty good player IMO.

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That's too bad - he's a great player to watch.

Well, don't take my word for it. As a Pats fans who doesn't live in Pats country, I'm not always the MOST up-to-date on news of this nature. Some national media member was talking about Dillon's chances of tearing up the Buffalo run defense, as if it was a given that he would play, so maybe my news is old.


I assume Pass is 100%. He's a pretty good player IMO.

Yes, Pass is one of the notable few who ISN'T on the injury report, and has done a great job filling in for the injured Dillon and Faulk. I don't blame Dillon entirely for the Pats' running woes (the OL has been bad), but Pass has seemed to run better behind the same OL. He's definitely stepped up.

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