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Could've Phrased It Differently

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lots of good music comes to the area;



Haven't a lot of bands bypassed Buffalo instead going to bigger cities? I have noticed on a number of concert t-shirts that Buffalo doesn't seem to be included.

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Haven't a lot of bands bypassed Buffalo instead going to bigger cities?  I have noticed on a number of concert t-shirts that Buffalo doesn't seem to be included.


I'm sure there are some that bypass it, but I wouldn't base the list off of the concert t's; a lot of bands put portions of their tours on the shirts. If you are seeing the bands outside of the northeast, you very likely won't see Buffalo listed on the backs of the shirts.

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Some people like hot weather, some like cold.


Some people like expensive property, some like cheap.


Some people like the dude at McDonalds to speak English, some don't care.


Some people like to hunt and fish, some like to snort coke off stripper's boobs.


It'd sure be nice to not see people be so defensive about every comment made about Buffalo.

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I'm afraid Roscoe speaketh the truth. Always hurts a little more than sugar coating it. I hate the Dolphins, but if I had to choose a place to be, obviously Miami wins hands down. Most people would agree with that I think. Buffalo is very boring. You can do anything in South FLA, except skiing I guess. :rolleyes:



I don't ski and I rather live in Buffalo than Miami any day especially with same job!

Miami's problems are very numerious - bad schools, large illegal immigrant population, crime, etc. WNY economic are bad, some self inflicted and some state inflicted, but if you are comfortably employed you can do very well. Unfortunately not enough work of my type there.

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