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Not to completely change subject but I was talking to a fellow Bills fan not too long ago re: SB25. The subject boiled down to key plays. Of course, the kick was at the top of the list, the ridiculous tackling on the 3rd down play with ?Ingram, and the near touchdown turned safety with Bruce. I've always felt the biggest play of that game was on the Bills drive after the safety. 3rd and 2 and Kelly hits Reed in the chest near the 50 for what should be a first down and a five yard gain. Reed, unfortunately dropped a gimme. The Giants were down 12-3 and on their heels. Instead of keeping the drive going and likely getting 3 (at least), we punt.....the Giants have an epic drive and the halftime score is 12-10. Obviously this is not news, but I rarely hear people talk about it.


P.S. Yes, I know...if Kelly had handed the ball to Thurman on 3rd and 2 the point would be moot. :(

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Not to completely change subject but I was talking to a fellow Bills fan not too long ago re: SB25.  The subject boiled down to key plays.  Of course, the kick was at the top of the list, the ridiculous tackling on the 3rd down play with ?Ingram, and the near touchdown turned safety with Bruce.  I've always felt the biggest play of that game was on the Bills drive after the safety.  3rd and 2 and Kelly hits Reed in the chest near the 50 for what should be a first down and a five yard gain.  Reed, unfortunately dropped a gimme.  The Giants were down 12-3 and on their heels.  Instead of keeping the drive going and likely getting 3 (at least), we punt.....the Giants have an epic drive and the halftime score is 12-10.  Obviously this is not news, but I rarely hear people talk about it. 


P.S. Yes, I know...if Kelly had handed the ball to Thurman on 3rd and 2 the point would be moot.  :(



Yes I agree - that possession gets overlooked too much. We put the game away with a score there.

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