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Guidelines for using the Trading Post

Just Jack

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1) When posting, please put in your topic title whether you are "SELLING", "BUYING", "TRADING", or "EBAY" - the tag helps people search threads.


2) Transactions are between posters, TBD/TSW does not get involved in mediation for any transaction. So buyer beware.


3) If you do not like a price someone is asking for an item, see rule #2


4) Provide a way for people to contact you, if they are not a registered member of TBD, either an email address or phone number.


5) If you are selling game tickets, we will do our best to pin the topic when the game is coming up. Once that game is completed, we will edit/close/delete your topic.


6) TBD/TSW reserves the right to edit any/all posts.


7) Threads older than one year may be deleted.


More guidelines to come as we see fit.

Edited by Just Jack
added #7 Sept 2, 2011
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7) Please do not bump threads - yes you may have tickets for sale or want to but so do others. If items are still available after a month you may add a response that it is still available since default view setting is one month. If your tickets are not getting action either your price is wrong or the market is saturated. Try sending PMs to those matching your needs and see if you can generate interest.


8) Please do not post duplicate posts. Duplicate posts will be deleted and repeated duplicates may result in loss of posting privileges.


9) Please respond to replies of your posts. Lack of replies over a long period may be treated as tickets no longer available / wanted. Common courtesy is to delete a post (or report it to a moderator) when your ticket is no longer available or you no longer need tickets.


10) Commercial posts (ticket agencies, promoters, cruises, etc) do not belong on this board per guideline on main index page (No commercial advertisements please). Contact SDS via PM or Customer Service if you want to advertise these type of tickets. As Jack said TBD/TSW reserves the right to edit OR remove any/all posts.

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