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Number One "D"????


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I think that the defensive coordinator needs to take some

heat for this loss.

An 80 yard drive by a QB that only had thrown for 72 yards the

entire game up to that point.

Rookie wide recievers finding seams in a very loose zone coverage.

Three 4th down conversions whitin the final 2 mins.


If you taped the game, take a good look at a totally phantom

holding call on Chris Villarial in the 4th quarter.

It stopped the Bills final drive, and forced them to punt.

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The thing that bums me out about the last drive was the complete lack of blitzing Gray called. They had some very good success with the zone blitz all game, and really looked like they were frustrating Byron with it. Then, when it really counts, we lay back. Hmm.

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You hit it right on the head Rubes.

It seemed that the "D" went totally non

blitz when we really needed to get some pressure on the QB.

The 3 man rush got no pressure on the QB.

The DB's started playing a very soft short zone.

Why not man up every reciever, and punish him before he gets off

the line?

Spkies was lined up on that kid, and he never laid a hand on him off the line.

He was allowed to run free to the back of the end zone.

Am I wrong?

Spikes could have knocked the kid on his ass....and took him totally

out of the play!


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